Humans are in the bulls-eye on this one- front and center when it comes to accountability. We are the gardeners, the ones with opposeable thumbs; the (theoretically) ethical omnivores, the ones who talk; The ones who are capable of telling the truth but who often do not. It's on us.
1. Useful things
You have to understand that there may come a time when a knapsack full of seed is more important than an I-pad. Today the seed costs less by far. This could change.
'Knowledge means power'. There may come a time when the most important information the I-pad could hold is living and survival skills.
Hannaford (a local grocery chain) runs an ad on TV. ‘Hannaford will always be there’. T’ain’t necessarily so.
It isn’t unbalanced to plan for wider eventualities. It simply means your feet are on firmer ground. You do not float on top of civilization’s artifacts as if they were all there is to reality.
Let your children know that communication is key. The pen, as they say, is mightier than the sword.
It is not enough to survive. What you do to survive also has to help all of life. Help the earth and the ecosystem to survive.
You are always accountable, God help you. You reap what you sow. But also, your children reap what you sow.
What drives me, is the need to help establish the connection, the network. I need to know that there are people doing what needs to be done.